
Investing in the performance and character of U.S. athletes to lead the world in cyclocross.

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The MudFund
Providing year-round support to elevate American athletes to the highest level of cyclocross.

The MudFund is defined by a culture of excellence and is dedicated to inspire integrity, purpose and leadership qualities within athletes. The core programming includes international racing opportunities, domestic skills camps and holistic athlete coaching and services.

Cyclocross is an accessible entry point into bike racing for many riders, and it is instrumental in developing technical, physiological and mental skills which translate across all disciplines in cycling. These skills are critical to the success of any athlete’s journey, positioning cyclocross as one of the key disciplines for growing competitive cycling in the USA.

Learn first hand from the athletes that the MudFund has impacted the most, like Clara Honsinger, Madigan Munro, Katie Clouse, Lizzy Gunsalus, Sam Noel, and Gage Hecht.
Application of Funds
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    USA Cycling Development Program

    Athlete development is at the core of the MudFund’s mission, and the majority of our investment goes toward international racing opportunities, skills camps and holistic athlete education. Supporting the growth of both performance and character is key to the long-term success of our athletes and their impact on the world around them. That is why the MudFund will always strive to provide the best platform for these athletes to pursue their potential.

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