Sports are much more than just a game or just a competition. Sports are an opportunity to learn more about yourself and develop skills that will benefit you in and out of competition. National Girls and Women in Sports Day is all about celebrating and encouraging the involvement of females in sports, so more women can emerge as leaders in sports and life.
We had the opportunity to ask cyclists in our community what sport has meant to them throughout their lives and how they will #LeadHerForward!

What has sport meant to you throughout your life?
Throughout my life, sport has meant a lot to me and been a significant part of my development as an athlete, and as person. Cycling has taught me competitiveness, accountability, discipline, and sacrifice. Cycling has afforded me many opportunities and allowed me to meet some amazing people. It seems as the older I get, the more important cycling becomes. Cycling has driven me to pursue the goal one day competing in the US Olympics, hopefully 2028. Without cycling; I’m not sure that I would have ever considered becoming a US Olympian. I continue to learn and work hard to accomplish my goal. I am forever grateful for sport!
How did you get involved in your sport?
When I was the age of 5, almost every Saturday morning I see my dad leave home to go riding with his friends. I started asking him to go riding with him and I consistently asked for almost 2 years. He would always say “No, you can’t ride with us. We’re doing 25 miles.” On my 7th birthday he surprised me with my first road bike; a black and green 24” Felt 7 speed. During the summer, he would take me out to ride and teach me the fundamentals, such as safety, how to use my gears, what cadence was, and how to get faster. Once I learned, I started riding on the road and doing kid fun non-competitive races. At the age of 9, I started racing competitively and won 1st place in my first race. I’ve been hooked ever since!
What advice would you give your younger self?
Advice I would give my younger self would be to keep going, and never give up. Though you may not understand what’s happening at the exact moment, the end result will show what was happening when you didn’t give up. Everything will pay off. I believe this is good advice because I have experienced moments in my training that I didn’t completely understand why such a tough workout was needed, but the end result (winning) made it all worth the suffering. Using this advice would encourage my younger self to keep fighting and never give up. I use this advice now and will continue using it in the future!
How will you #LeadHerForward?
I will #LeadHerForward by continuing to remain relevant on social media platforms, advocate for bicycle safety, and volunteering my humanitarian efforts. I will continue to inform people of the sport and encourage all kids of all ages and some adults to get involved with some sport. I look forward to opportunities of sharing my story, in hopes of inspiring others to get involved in sport! As I continue to grow, I plan to work with more people, groups, and companies hoping to inspire other women!
Want to share how you will #LeadHerForward? Send your story to!