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Training Tips

How You Can Help: Each Other

By: USA Cycling  March 23, 2020

Every single one of us has been impacted by COVID-19 – mentally, physically, and emotionally. Whether you are facing health risks, economic challenges, isolation, or plans that suddenly changed, we have all been impacted. Here’s how you can help those around you so we can truly all be in this together.

The USA Cycling community is made up of a diverse population, and every single member offers something unique to our special community. We are facing unprecedented times and the need for community has never been greater. Meanwhile, the ease of creating it has possibly never been more challenging. This is where the diversity of our community becomes our greatest asset – we all have something to offer and we are stronger together than apart. Whether you are confined to the walls of your home or have the freedom to go to the grocery store, you can do something to help someone else.

Step 1: Take responsibility for flattening the curve

Educate yourself on COVID-19 and how you can protect yourself and others.

  • View USA Cycling’s series of COVID-19 Webinars with Medical Expert Dr Roshon: March 13 and March 18.
  • Use USA Cycling’s Well-Being Resources.
  • Share (and read) stories about efforts to flatten the curve on In Our Own Words.
  • Stay updated on COVID-19 via USA Cycling’s Scrolling Content Feed.
  • Comply with your local guidance for sheltering in place and commit to #gosolo, ride only with people in your household, or ride indoors.
Step 2: Identify who needs help.

Is there:

  • An elderly neighbor nearby who might be fearful of going in public now?
  • Someone who has suddenly found themselves without a job?
  • An individual with a compromised immune system who needs medical care but can’t pick up their prescription or drive to an appointment?
  • A child who is now at home and no longer has access to the free meals they were receiving at school?
  • A parent who has to work and is struggling with their children now suddenly at home?
  • Start local. Look around. Ask questions. Post on Facebook or Nextdoor and check with local churches, food banks, shelters, etc. Find out where the needs are and step in where you can.

Step 3: Do something to address the needs.
  • Be kind to one another. Online or in person, kindness will go a long way. The internet is the easiest and safest way for us all to stay connected, so let’s keep our interactions here positive and supportive.
  • Pick up groceries and deliver them to a neighbor.
  • Drop a card off at a neighbor’s house telling them you’re thinking of them. Offer your contact details so they can reach out if they need help.
  • Look online and find out what your local food banks and/or shelters are short on and donate.
  • Give blood.
  • Call or video chat your friends and family to check in.
  • Create virtual meet-ups to keep people connected – host Bingo, happy hour, yoga, book clubs. Whatever you’re doing alone, you could (probably) do virtually with friends.
  • Consider volunteering at a local shelter or non-profit – many of them are suddenly understaffed due to volunteers needing to shelter at home.
  • Share stories and pictures. Whether it be through a phone call, an online platform, or talking from your front porch to your neighbor’s, remind one another that you are not alone. And share how you are making the most of time at home. People are getting very creative and it makes for some lighthearted joy in a difficult time.

COVID-19 has stopped the world in its tracks and forced all of us to slow down and re-evaluate our everyday lives. There is no better time than now for us to come together and create a united front. We are going to get through this. Together. And the more we lean in (metaphorically, not physically!) and face this as a community, the stronger we will rise on the other end.

If you have any questions about how you might be able to help someone in your local area, please contact Kelsey Erickson ( Please also share with us what you are doing to take care of one another. We want to celebrate the great things that are happening in the midst of this difficult situation. We are in this together!

If you have specific needs, please contact Kelsey and she will compile a list of USA Cycling member needs!