COACHING | Juniors
Coaching junior athletes can provide a fulfilling lifelong career that continually grows and strengthens the sport of bike racing.Choosing to focus on juniors provides a never ending series of challenges as this group spans a wide range of physical and socio-emotional development levels. Likewise, working with parents is an essential part of the development process that takes years to gain experience with. However, most junior coaches can attest this group is highly rewarding to work with. You are not just preparing these student athletes for competition but helping make bike racing a healthy, life-long aspect of their identity.
The following pathway is only conceptual, everyone’s
pathway will be different. Many will find a pleasant balance at some
point in their development and remain there, others may continue on to
leadership roles or into the the high performance pathway.

Become a Mentor

Locate and volunteer with a local junior development program

Focus on SafeSport compliant communication with athletes and parents

Obtain a USA Cycling Coaching License

Continue developing within your local program’s pathway or start your own

Become a Certified Skills Instructor

Lead a season or discipline in your local program

Continue your USA Cycling Coaching Education Pathway

Add working with athletes on individual training where applicable

Travel to events with your program

Travel To Nationals with your program

Lead a junior development program