COACHING | Remote / Online
Online remote coaching is currently the largest pathway that domestic coaches tend to follow. This provides a chance to focus intently on each individual athlete a coach works with. Typically this involves a performance focus though creating a detailed training plan. TO create robust feedback loop coaches analyze training data and communications to continually adapt the plan to reach the athlete’s goals. Coaches also often help with individual race tactics, nutrition, goal setting and more recently athlete mental health and wellness.

Become a mentor

Volunteer with your local club or team program, or start your own

Obtain an introductory USA Cycling Coaching License

Create connections in your local racing community and begin helping athletes with their training

Start or join a business based on online remote coaching

Continue to the next level of your USA Cycling Coaching Education Pathway

Grow your coaching sphere of influence and clientele

Focus on retention and reputation

Workshop with other coaches to solve problems and expand your practical application of knowledge

Continue to the next level of your USA Cycling Coaching Education Pathway

Create plan for continued long term development as a coach while also sustaining your business