Safe Sport Education Policy

Updated: December 29, 2021

Education is a key component of any abuse and misconduct prevention strategy. The required education provides participants with information necessary to more effectively monitor their organization/team, minimize the opportunities for physical and sexual abuse and other types of misconduct, and respond to concerns.

*USA Cycling encourages all members to complete SafeSport Training.*

Individuals Required to Complete Education and Training

The following individuals are required to complete SafeSport Training:

  • USA Cycling Staff
  • USA Cycling Board of Directors
  • USA Cycling licensed Coaches
  • USA Cycling licensed Officials
  • USA Cycling licensed Mechanics
  • All adult athletes on teams selected, organized, controlled, or designated by USA Cycling to represent the United States at an event, camp, or competition
  • UCI Support License categories:
    • Managers
    • Sports Directors/Assistant Sports Directors
    • Soigneurs/Trainers
    • Team Doctors and Paramedics
    • Coaches
    • Mechanics
    • Any other UCI support licensee
      • whom a team authorizes, approves or appoints
        • to a position of authority over, or
        • to have regular contact with athletes.
  • Collegiate Conference Directors
  • Local Associations
    • Employee or Board Member
    • Other individuals the LA authorizes, approves or appoints
      • to a position of authority over, or
      • to have regular contact with athletes.
  • Clubs
    • Employee or Board Member
    • Other individuals the Club authorizes, approves or appoints
      • to a position of authority over, or
      • to have regular contact with athletes.
  • Independent contractors USA Cycling authorizes, approves or appoints
    • to a position of authority over, or
    • to have regular contact with athletes.
  • Any non-athlete individual authorized by USA Cycling to train, stay, or work at an Olympic Training Center.
SafeSport Training Requirement
  1. Core Center for SafeSport Training

The individuals identified as “Individuals Required to Complete Education and Training” must complete the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s Core Center for SafeSport Training ("SafeSport Trained"):

  • Prior to the issuance of a license by USA Cycling;
  • Before regular contact with athletes begins; or
  • Within 45 days of beginning a new role subjecting the individual to this policy
  1. Refresher Course(s)

A refresher course is required on an annual basis (12 months from completion) effective the calendar year following the completion of the Core Center for SafeSport Training for each of the above listed individuals.


USA Cycling routinely monitors compliance with this requirement.  Members found to be out-of-compliance with this requirement will have any applicable license placed in ‘pending’ status until the training requirements are met.

Minor Athletes

USA Cycling will, subject to parental consent, annually offer and give training to members who are minors regarding prevention and reporting of child abuse. Such training will be offered at such time as the U.S. Center for SafeSport finalizes the development of its age-appropriate training.

How To Take The Training

To access the SafeSport training, please visit the following webpage and follow the instructions: