1If Your Stock is Held at a Broker
- Notify your broker that you wish to make a gift of securities to USA Cycling Foundation. Your broker will need written authorization from you to make the transfer.
- Your Letter Must Include:
- The name of the stock you are giving
- The number of shares
- Where you would like your gift to be directed or designated (Undesignated gifts are used to fund general athlete development programs)
- Include a copy of the Broker Instructions
- E-mail a copy of this letter to Steve McCauley, USA Cycling Foundation smccauley@usacycling.org (cell 719-201-2348)
- When you have authorized the transfer, REQUIRE your broker or investment advisor to contact the Foundation office at 719-967-9131 or usacfoundation@usacycling.org if you did not already provide them with a current copy of the attached Broker Stock Transfer Instructions included here.
2If Your Stock is Not Held at a Broker
- You can deliver the certificates to the Foundation in person or by mail. Our broker requires a Stock or Bond Power. If mailing, send your unendorsed certificate(s) and a cover letter in one envelope and the completed Stock Power in another. The cover letter should include:
- Your name and address
- Where you would like your gift directed or designated. (Undesignated gifts are used to fund general athlete development programs.)
- USA Cycling will then deposit the stock with its broker and direct the disposition.
- Do NOT mail endorsed certificates. Once endorsed, a certificate is legal tender and can be exchanged by whoever is the bearer.
- It is recommended that certificates not be registered in the Foundation’s name.
- Our mailing address is:
- USA Cycling Foundation
Attn: Jess Cygan
210 USA Cycling Point, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
USA Cycling Foundation
- USA Cycling Foundation
- You can deliver the certificates to the Foundation in person or by mail. Our broker requires a Stock or Bond Power. If mailing, send your unendorsed certificate(s) and a cover letter in one envelope and the completed Stock Power in another. The cover letter should include:
3Instructions for gifts to USA Cycling Foundation Stockbroker
Stifel Nicolaus
One Montgomery Street, Suite 3700
San Francisco, CA 94104
Stifel Nicolaus:
Contact: Justin Boulware
Direct: 415-364-2681
Fax: 415-364-2952
Email: jboulware@tweisel.comUSA Cycling Foundation:
Contact: Steve McCauley
USA Cycling Foundation
Cell: 719-201-2348
DTC No.: DTC #0793
Title of Account: USA Cycling Development Foundation
Account No.: 5230-5961Stockbroker Note: Please call or fax the Foundation and the Stockbroker before transferring any securities.