The Enduro Cup and National Championships will take place June 21-22, 2025, at Silver Mountain Resort in Kellogg, Idaho.
Updated: 4/14/21
As we get ready to see you at this year’s National Championships, we will be implementing an on-site COVID-19 protocol to ensure the safest event possible under these extraordinary circumstances. Things will look and be different this year, and despite that, we’re excited about the opportunity to welcome you back to our National Championships after a year of canceled events and other life-altering situations across the country.
The information below is a broad summary of our COVID-19 protocols, including definitions, key staff, staff commitments, participant requirements, the review process, and event cancellation parameters. More detailed information will be available on each event website, and there will be a virtual pre-event meeting to inform riders about each event’s specific protocol. As the pandemic continues to change, this protocol may also vary with fewer or additional restrictions and requirements.
While we can put procedures in place, it is up to all involved to follow these procedures to keep themselves and others safe.
Event changes are possible leading up to each National Championship as the situation changes. We will continue to update people via the event websites, our National Championship newsletter, along with direct communication to registered riders.
To help prevent congestion in the typical gathering areas, we have implemented a new process for the below-listed zones. Event staff will discuss these processes in the virtual pre-event meetings and each event’s detailed COVID-19 procedures.
If any COVID information needs to be shared, USA Cycling, in conjunction with the local health department and the event COVID-19 Coordinator, will communicate by email or phone with the participants. Participants must have current contact information within their USA Cycling membership account.